Metropolitan Gardens
Denver, Colorado
Pre-development - Master Planning
Transit oriented, mixed-use, brownfield redevelopment.
Assembled the team of professionals, directed the due diligence and managed all phases of the predevelopment activities for the re-development of the Gates Rubber Tire Factory, (Metropolitan Gardens) in conjunction with JV Partner Cherokee Development. The project site included 42 acres of land, 3 miles south of downtown Denver on I25 & Broadway Ave. The vision was to transform this under utilized property into a dynamic mixed-use development.
The $1.2 billion development was to include a mass transit station, 2,300 high rise multi tower residential units (rental and for sale), 800,000 sf of retail, dining and entertainment, 600,000 sf of multi tower high rise office space, two hotels, creation of a public park, historic preservation, environmental clean up, creation of a $142 million TIF district and major public improvements.
Project permits were ready to be issued. All retail, residential and office phasing, absorption analysis, unit types, sizes, finishes, merchandise mix, budgets and pro-formas were complete. HFF was in the process pursuing project financing when the project was put on hold due to economic market conditions.
Participated in LEED workshop with Rocky Mountain Institute in order to qualify the project for the "Neighborhood Development Pilot Program" This third party certification was awarded to projects that have incorporated smart growth and green design principals. This was the first time that entire neighborhoods have been recognized for their green initiatives.